Why use an Insurance Agent? 4 Good Reasons
When it comes to health insurance, the concept of “set it and forget it” has gone the way of the Dodo. Whether we’re talking about Medicare, Group Health Insurance for small business owners, or health plans for individuals and families, it seems that folks are increasingly confused these days. And it’s not their fault. The process of choosing and using an insurance plan has become much more complex over recent years.
The good news is there are options for navigating this difficult process. You can research plans and go directly to the insurance company, you can use an Assister, or you can use a trusted Insurance Agent. Let’s address the benefits of using an Agent:
1.) Insurance Agents don’t cost you anything
When you purchase an insurance plan, you’re paying for professional advice whether you use it or not. Agents are paid by the insurance company, and you will pay exactly the same price for your insurance plan whether you use an Agent or not.
2.) Insurance Agents can recommend plans to you
In the insurance field, Agents are the only licensed professionals who can offer expert recommendations to you. Assisters can educate you about various options and help you sign up for a plan, and many are excellent at what they do. But they cannot recommend plans to you and are not licensed to do so. A question I hear often is “What plan should I choose?” I am able to answer that question and offer the recommendations that an Assister cannot.
3.) Agents can do your research and shopping for you
You certainly could do your own research, but with the ever-increasing company choices and plan options to consider, having an industry expert to help you can be invaluable. Here are some of the many things you need to consider:
- Is your doctor in the network?
- Are your prescriptions covered?
- Can you use your plan outside of New Hampshire?
- Does it make a difference where you go for outpatient surgery or labs? Does your plan require a referral to see a specialist?
- Which should you choose, an HMO, PPO, or an HSA plan?
- What will your plan really cost both to buy and to use?
You don’t need to spend valuable time trying to learn a changing and complex industry. Agents are well-versed professionals in the insurance field, and their services are free.
4.) Insurance Agents provide you with personal service and support year-round
I am always here to help my clients. Whether clients have a billing issue, a question about how their plan works on a particular service, or any other issue, I provide consistent service. And when it comes time to look at plan choices for the next year, I sort through all the available options and recommend plans based on their specific needs.
So give yourself a gift! Find an Agent that you trust, and put them to work. Call us today at 603-435-6767, and get started before the craziness of open enrollment begins this fall…
Alice Young